Monday, April 21, 2014

Looking Back...

From reviewing my goals at the beginning of this semester, I feel that I made a lot of progress in teaching in my clinical placement. I feel that throughout my time during my placement, I was able to use the knowledge and experiences from my past clinicals and what we were learning in classes to use in my clinicals. I felt I got to practice some of the things that I will be doing in student teaching, like assessments, planning a curriculum, and working with parents and staff. I felt that this semester I kept looking back on what I did in past clinicals, past lesson implementations, and working with children before and how I could incorporate what I knew to establish new knowledge and ideas. I think that throughout this clinical placement, I really got to learn more about what I already knew, like Guided Reading, Close Reading, and Math Workshops, but I felt that I also got to learn about new ideas and strategies like teaching Mind Missions for Social Studies, teaching science in different ways, and using what I learned in my classes for my clinical placement lessons. I really enjoyed being able to teach a Science lesson and a Social Studies lesson in this placement, and I felt that it prepared me to see how I would collect materials, organize my lesson, and teach vocabulary and content. Also, I felt that doing these lessons led to discussion and support for improvement from my CT, which I felt was so beneficial for my future teaching. Having science and social studies classes this semester helped me learn how to incorporate the subjects into classes and I am glad I got to use information that I was learning in my classes in my placement this semester. My CT was very helpful and supportive when I taught lessons, asked her questions about teaching and planning, and classroom management. Being with a seasoned teacher for this semester was a lot of fun because I got to talk with her about what I was learning, what I knew and what I was confused about, she gave me a lot of good information and tools that I can use for the future.

My second goal was to organize and prepare myself for the future and for student teaching. I felt that this semester was very beneficial for my preparation for student teaching. I am working in the district I will be at for student teaching, I got to practice a lot of things I didn’t do in past semesters, and I have made a lot of progress in teaching and learning content. I think that I really prepared myself by always looking for more resources, always trying new things and becoming more familiar with new ideas. One thing I felt was beneficial was being able to tutor kids after school with my CT. She let me tutor third graders in math and reading. I got practice in focusing on student’s needs to benefit what they are learning in class and knowing how to challenge students but allowing them to have fun in the process. I really think that in my first or second year I will try to set up tutoring for kids like my CT has.

I also felt that I made a lot of progress in showing my professionalism through my work and my abilities and strengths in my teaching and clinicals. I made it a goal all semester to work hard within my clinicals and exceed in my work through my lessons and my motivation as a teacher in clinicals. I felt that staying after to help tutor, meeting with the literacy coach and going to professional development meetings each month allowed me to show my professionalism, build professional relationships and become more connected within the school. I really enjoyed going to the professional development meetings, talking with staff and working with my CT before and after school, and meeting the literacy coach for the district. Doing these activities for me taught me a lot about the district I will be in for students teaching, gave me the opportunity to work with other teachers and staff, and learn about job opportunities that I could have a future in, like being a literacy coach. I was so excited the first day of clinicals when I met the literacy coach and she suggested to me that anytime I could meet with her because I am getting a reading endorsement so I can possibly work in a position like that. My CT and I have talked with the literacy coach many times and I enjoy and find it very interesting to listen and have a discussion with her because I realize that I understand the work and the teaching techniques she is suggesting using in the classroom. I enjoy having an educated conversation with her because it helps me learn what I could be doing in this position in the future. I also learned this semester that being able to know more people throughout the school and know more about the district helped me feel more comfortable throughout my clinical placement and I felt that it helped me practice building professional relationships.

In moving forward this semester, I feel I will continue to try to incorporate what I have learned in the past to try and help me for student teaching, because I feel I learned a lot of new and helpful knowledge that will benefit me in student teaching. Also, I want to try to continue studying science and social studies content and how I can teach it in my classroom, because this information was so new to us this semester, I felt that I learned a lot but still want to practice this knowledge and build on what I learned this semester.

Overall, I really loved this clinical placement. I loved the grade level and would now love to teach second or third grade, but still love kindergarten and first grade too! I felt that working with these students challenged me to know my content and helped me to see how I could challenge myself as a teacher and support these students at this level. I really liked that I got the chance to do tutoring and that I got to go to the professional development meetings every month. I also felt that each lesson I did I became stronger in my teaching skills, in using classroom management tools, and in knowing how to assess children throughout and after my lesson. Lastly, I felt that this semester’s classes incorporated what I was learning and doing in my clinicals very well and I felt that I got to use a lot of what I was learning in classes and that it made me more confident and prepared for the future.

For the end of the year, I decided to write cards for each student in my clinical class. I found a couple ideas on Pinterest for gift ideas for students and for my CT to show appreciation:

1 comment:

  1. Chantal,

    It sure seems like you're walking away with a ton of new learning that you didn't yet have when you entered this semester, which rocks!!!!! To say that you are a stronger teacher now with what you know is an understatement! I am excited to chat through this with you in class tomorrow!

