Monday, March 17, 2014

Social Studies Instruction in Clinicals

Social studies instruction takes place after physical education and is done in small groups. I have not actually seen social studies instruction happen, but my cooperating teacher and I have talked about it a lot because I will be teaching a social studies lesson. My cooperating teacher explained that she tries to do social studies instruction at least two-three days a week because from her past teaching experiences in Texas, she incorporates science with social studies. The teaching strategy she uses are called, “Mind Missions” which have students read a passage on a topic and then apply their knowledge by doing an activity or responding in some way. For example, my cooperating teacher explained students read a factual passage on the State of Liberty and the way it was constructed and why, then students broke into small groups and had to recreate an actual model of something that symbolized the State of Liberty and the history of the symbol. My teacher reads the passage aloud with students and gives guidelines to their small group activity, and then students break off into small groups to work together o their activity. After students are finished, the class gathers as a large group again to share their activities. My cooperating teacher supports students by observing small groups and gathering permanent documents of student’s work. I think students are highly engaged and are curious and motivated to apply their learning in the activity. Also, I think students like working in small groups and sharing ideas to create something together. I have talked with some of my students, who share their experiences about some of the social studies activities they have done, like the President’s stories they created together after studying each Presidents biography and the requirements and job of the President. Many of the students could recall a lot of information they learned, factual information, President’s names,, and were excited to tell me what they used in their stories. I think using “Mind Mission” lessons allows children to think creatively and work together to apply what they have learned to create something that exemplifies their knowledge and response to the information they have gotten. I really like that children take control of the activity, while the teacher gives guidelines and then observes students working in groups. Also, I like that using this teaching practice allows the teacher to incorporate literacy, science, and math in social studies lessons. I have never seen social studies instruction in any of my other clinicals, so this kind of teaching practice for social studies is new to me because what I do know of social studies instruction is that I just have seen students reading from a textbook. Also, this kind of teaching practice is somewhat similar to what I am learning in my social studies class this semester because when making workjobs, students are able to use these activities to practice and apply what they know to review and engage in the information. I actually think that if I could suggest to my cooperating teacher to use workjobs in her classroom for assessment and for extension to activities that it would help support student’s knowledge of what they are learning in social studies instruction. From what I have seen in my clinical classroom this semester, I really like the teaching practice that my cooperating teacher uses and I think I would use these strategies to incorporate social studies instruction in my future classroom. Also, I think as a future teacher if I were to use this teaching practice I would use workjobs to support my student’s knowledge and extend what they have learned in our activities to practice their skills. I think the workjobs would be a great tool for assessment and I think it would provide children with activities to use during free choice time.

Here are two activities I found that I thought were great for using with the teaching practice that my cooperating teacher uses in her classroom and thought these activities use great materials to support children's engagement and application of instruction. These might be great ideas for my future social studies lessons that I will have to implement in my clinical classes.

 This activity would be great for children to do in small groups so that the could talk about what should be included in each level and how they want to set up each level of their globe from Earth to their city.

This activity has students create geographic 2-d art after studying different forms of art that are seen in structure around the world, and in groups they must come up with a way to use multiple shapes, lines, and colors to create their own 2-d art. Rulers are required to measure and create symmetry.

Here are two workjobs I found that I thought were very good at extending the topic and details provided and help support children knowledge on the topic. I think these are great examples of workjobs that I would include in my future classroom.

This workjob asks students to properly match the great inventors with their corresponding invention and date of invention.

This workjob has students matching the facts and resources of the ecosystem with the picture of the ecosystem. This challenges students to recall information and identify facts about certain ecosystems. 


  1. Chantal,

    Wow, there's lots of good stuff here. First, I agree that these Mind Missions sound super-engaging! I have some questions for you to learn more: where did your CT learn about these? Does she think of these on her own? Where does she get her inspiration? Or are these in a packaged program? I'm thinking that creating a Mind Mission would be an awesome activity for us to do with the SS+ Standards and content in 277! I like your idea of adding the workshop, individual piece to the mix of the large group and small group format of the Mind Missions. This would create that awesome trifecta of large group, small group, individual work. These work job and activity ideas will be good ones that you may be able to add to your curriculum map for 2nd grade at the end of the semester if they fit with your GLT's topics!

    Since you've not gotten to see a Mind Mission in action, I'd encourage you to find out when your CT's doing one again and see if you can work some time into your schedule to observe this at your site, even if it's on another day of the week. It would be really good if you saw this in action to solidify your plans for using this format some day. I'll be excited to see your active learning SS lesson soon!


    1. My CT actually learned and used Mind Missions in her Texas classrooms when she taught in Texas. She said the curriculum is based off these lessons and scaffolded by how the mind missions incorporate literacy and mathematics with social studies and science. She gets the mind missions from a website program, I forget the name, that has many different examples and resources for ideas for Mind Missions.she finds the Mind Missions to be very helpful because after students read and apply hat they learned to an activity, the students can explain in their own words what they learned about that topic. She feels that the huge benefit of using these Mind Missions is that she can incorporate Literacy and Science into Social Studies

  2. Chantal,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I can relate with you because I have yet to see some Social Studies instruction. However, it is great that you have been able to talk to your cooperating teachers about the instruction since you can’t see it yourself. I really like the idea of “Mind Missions”. I have never heard of this before so thank you for sharing. When you said, “ I actually think that if I could suggest to my cooperating teacher to use work jobs in her classroom for assessment and for extension to activities that it would help support student’s knowledge of what they are learning in social studies instruction” I connected because I was planning on talking to my cooperating teacher last week about making some work jobs for the classroom because the students have so much ‘down time’ which is causing an issue in the classroom management. I think this would be a way to add in Social Studies in the classroom and redirect the students in an educational way. Sadly, my cooperating teacher was sick last week so I will have to wait until next week. I would be interested in hearing if you ended up talking to your cooperating teacher about work jobs.
