Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Workjobs for Social Studies

A workjob is an independent activity that students can do during free time or as an extension to what they learned in a lesson or unit. I have made three workjobs for Social Studies, each at different levels and with different Social Studies strands.

Workjob for Economics for Kindergarten level. Title is, "Wants and Needs". Students match the words, "want" and "need" to pictures on the board to categorize them as either a want or need. Students can use the description provided of these words to help identify which pictures are a want or need. Pictures are labeled to explain the picture and I also included a text for students to use to look at different kinds of wants or needs. There is a picture answer key provided to have students check when their done.

Rationale: I chose this topic for this workjob at this level because students are introduced to the different types of goods and services we use daily and are identifying the difference between what they really need and cannot live without and what they want but can live without. This lesson helps young students start to think about different kinds of goods that are supplied and demanded in our world and how trade works. The text used helps students think about choices and how we much choose between what we need and what we want.


Workjob for Geography 1st grade. Title is, "How Do I Get Home?" Students use the school bus on the map to move around different place on the map to get home. Students use the compass and directions that are next to the school to know what direction they move. Students can open up and look inside locations, ex. library, post office, and home. I included two texts if students needed to use to help them look at the map and use the compass, which is instructed on workjob, but they can also use these texts to read independently or when they have finished the workjob.

 Social Studies Standard: ISBE: 17.A.1b   Identify the characteristics and purposes of geographic representations including maps, globes, graphs, photographs, software, digital images and be able to locate specific places using each.

Rationale: I chose to do a mapping from school to home because I felt it was something that many students could connect with on a daily basis. Also, I felt that for the age level, the type of map is easier to understand and is engaging and interactive. I felt that it is important for students to understand how to use a compass and practice using directions to get from one place to another. Also, I felt that this activity provided students with an introduction in seeing how maps and compasses are used and how to set a map up and what it looks like close up or with detailed locations.


Workjob based on History, for second grade. The topic is Important People in Black History. Students have to use the matching cards to match the person's picture to their description and place it on the board. The workjob also includes an answer key for students to check once their done, and I included books for them to read about each person which I included in the workjob to help them learn more about these people and also can assist them in matching the descriptions.

Social Studies Standard: ISBE: 16.B.1 (W) Explain the contributions of individuals and groups who are featured in biographies, legends, folklore and traditions.

Rationale: I chose the topic for History at this level because I felt that it was important for students at this age to be able to identify and match descriptions of important people in Black History. I believe this workjob will help students review the biographies they have learned and support them in provided important details of important people in our history. Also, I felt that including texts with this workjob would encourage students to find out more about these people and read about other things these people did throughout their life.

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